Az alábbiakban egy interjút olvashattok, paul-lal, ami az Electric Zoo 2010 fesztivál aprópoján készült. Kiemelném a következő kérsést és választ a vége felől:
Have you been active on the festival circuit this summer? What have been some notable moments?
Yeah, we played so much great festivals. The Hungarians – they are crazy. And also the Italians are crazy.
Azaz aktív voltál az idei nyári forgatagban, mik voltak az emlékezetes pillanatok?
- Igen, sok nagyszerű fesztiválon játszottunk. A magyarok - egyszerűen őrültek. És az olaszok is azok. Hát igen ez úton is szeretnénk megköszönni Paul-nak a bíztatást, eddig is tudtuk, de most már sziklaszilárd a meggyőződés, hogy mi magyarok tudunk bulizni!
És akkor íme az angol nyelvű interjú:
Now that it has been a few years since you appeared in the film ‘Berlin Calling’. How did your appearance in the film enhance your career as a musician?
It’s not even possible any more to find out what actually is doing what, now that I got big as an artist and I’m pushing the movie. Let’s say this big success is what we were hoping for, but nobody was projecting it. Not at all.
Do you have any other acting gigs lined up?
No, I think I have a job already. It’s also kind of a statement to say, that’s the movie I made and I was so good in it. I can’t do the same performance again. Better not destroy this impression to the people. By the way, I had a full time job already, which I actually like more. I’m a musician.
For a person with limited acting experience, your performance in the film is quite riveting. Had you ever thought about being an actor instead of a musician?
Never, never. I think it was so good or so natural because I don’t know anything about acting. So that was also the plan: they told me, you don’t go to any school or read any books or analyze anything. You don’t do anything. You just stay completely uninformed about everything. And that was the best to do.
Would you say that the film is an accurate representation of the life of a touring DJ?
It’s more like a portrait of time and a little bit the equivalent of the electric guitar in the 70s. Every boy had to stand in the corner. Now the DJ also has the urges and the problems of when you’re not employed, when you have to take care of yourself. I think they’re very universal problems, which everybody knows. It’s hard, for a journalist or photographer or whatever. There are so many people who want to do the same and there’s pressure. There’s always pressure.
How does the film represent the city of Berlin and its electronic music scene?
I think it represents especially, more than Berlin or the music scene, the time. It’s the German capital in the zero years. It’s more important to time and the manners, because the story is completely fictive. And Berlin is so…techno and Detroit music in Berlin is such a huge variety that you cannot do an exact picture because there’s just too much. If you were to say, “this is how it is,” you would be unfair.
What are some of your favorite films that deal with the subject of electronic music culture? What are some of your all time favorite films?
My favorite films? We liked Trainspotting when were younger, but that’s also the reason we made this movie, because we didn’t know any others. We wanted to have one, that’s why.
Do you have any idea when ‘Berlin Calling’ will be released in USA, whether theatrically or on DVD?
It is available via video on demand. We’re for sure looking forward to having a real cinema release. But it’s kind of hard. The U.S. market is not so easy.
Are you concerned that people will now recognize you as Paul Kalkbrenner the actor instead of the musician?
Um, I think that the border between is a little bit disappearing. Some people think that’s the reality. The thing is, it’s fun also to play a little bit with all these shady parts. It’s makes it more interesting.
How did you construct the music for the movie’s soundtrack in relation to the action going on the screen?
That was actually not so closely related because some tracks were re-released. They were ready before. And they had to be ready before because Hannes, the director, needed to have some songs to hook on. The tracks were actually produced in a process like normal music making. It was not so affiliated. When the scenes were coming out of the editing room too, they were much shorter than I usually make my tracks, about seven minutes. Now we have 1 minute 21 and four frames. Then I just set it to the scene. But the producing process was actually like always. Not so different.
Can you explain the concepts behind your sold out ‘Berlin Calling’ European tour?
The concept is that it’s only me in concerts, a longer show, at least three hours, and the party’s over at 2 or 2:30. I play live and the originals are played live, to bring the concept of all the parts together. This is the third or fourth show and it’s starting to match. We’re going to do this for sure next year again and maybe even bigger. And actually I really like this. Because it’s much more organized than a techno club. A rock stage and less crowded.
What are some of your favorite cities/clubs in the world to play?
Oh, there are too many, too many. There’s too many.
Are there any destinations that you have not played and would like to?
Yes, because there is one white spot on my European map. It’s Luxembourg, but I’m going to go there.
You will be playing the Electric Zoo festival in New York in September, what are your experiences in New York City?
I’ve played there, but it more like a private thing. So it’s actually it’s the first proper gig and it’s combined with a tour. It’s going to be very, very nice. I’m looking forward and I think I’m going stay a couple more days.
What do you want to do when you’re here?
I think I want to find a Yohji Yamamoto Y-3 store and see if they have more pairs of my shoes. Because in Europe, they’re completely out of stock.
Have you been active on the festival circuit this summer? What have been some notable moments?
Yeah, we played so much great festivals. The Hungarians – they are crazy. And also the Italians are crazy.
One thing—I don’t know if you know—but France and Germany have fought so many wars. The older generation of the French people still hate the Germans and everything, but when I played in a German football shirt in a 5,000-person venue in Paris, half of them started shouting “Deutschland, Deutschland.” That’s actually kind of great. It has nothing to do with German nationalism or whatever, it just makes it so I can represent the country I’m coming from in other parts of the world.